Description: Holt Twins & Richie from TwinSister
Title: The Holt Twins
Photographer/Artist: Verana Malcom Holt
Description: Ad For Dewey Beach Music Conference
Title: Holt Twins & Charmaine
Copyright: 2014
Title: Americana Fest
Description: Honored to be a part of The Americana Fest!
Title: Holt Twins & daughter Charmaine
Description: Charmaine sings with The Holt Twins sometimes
Title: Holt Twins
Description: Holt Twins Closeup
Title: 18th century gowns for tradition
Copyright: 2016
Description: 18th century gowns for traditional folk music
Title: Linda Performing
Description: Linda singing with fretless bass
Title: Emily on Sax
Description: Emily on Sax
Title: Linda
Copyright: 2011
Description: Linda singing & playing 12-string at Soberstock Festival
Title: Linda
Copyright: 2011
Description: Linda dancing with bass at Pottstown 4th of July Celebration
Title: Emily
Copyright: 2011
Description: Emily singing & playing at Pottstown 4th of July Celebration
Title: Richie
Copyright: 2011
Description: Richie rocking out at Pottstown 4th of July Celebration
Title: Emily&Linda performing
Description: performance at The Abate
Title: duo
Copyright: 1997
Photographer/Artist: linda holt
Description: The HoltTwins
Title: Holt Twins & Troy Lupold(drummer
Copyright: 2013
Description: Reunion with our talented "Lil Bro", Troy Lupold- the drummer on our "Fallen Butterfly" Album(and male lead vocal on "The Star")
Title: TwinSisterLogo
Photographer/Artist: Nick Ford
Description: Logo for T-shirts
Title: Band Collage
Description: Band Collage including a few shots from The RMC Bash
Title: TwinSister
Copyright: 2011
Description: TwinSister performing at Soberstock Festival
Title: New Jersey Shore Ad
Copyright: 1982
Photographer/Artist: "The Wiz"
Description: Image Promo Pix
Title: Spider's Web
Copyright: 2003
Photographer/Artist: Linda Holt & Eleanor Sweeney
Description: album cover
Title: Letting Go Album Cover
Copyright: 1989
Photographer/Artist: Linda Holt & Ted Waltersdorf
Description: Album Cover
Title: Fallen ButterflyAlbum Cover
Copyright: 2003
Photographer/Artist: Linda Holt & Eleanor Sweeney
Description: albumcover
Title: Happy Birthday Jesus
Copyright: 2009
Photographer/Artist: Verana Malcom/Holt
Description: Christmas Cd Cover
Title: Linda & Instruments
Photographer/Artist: Linda Holt
Description: Linda & some of her instruments
Title: Emily & Instruments
Photographer/Artist: Linda Holt
Description: Emily & some of her Instruments
Title: New TwinSister
Photographer/Artist: Verana Malcom-Holt
Description: October 2010
Title: TwinSister on the wall
Photographer/Artist: Verana MalcomHolt
Description: Band pix
Title: "My Mother's Love" Song Evaulati
Copyright: 2018
Description: Thought we would share the song evaluation we got from The "Music City Songstar" Awards Competition for our folk song- "My Mother's Love" that was written in a dream one night
Title: TwinSister 2016
Copyright: 2016
Description: TwinSister at the 2016 Magical History Tour
Title: TwinSister